This questionnaire is designed to help our developers to make the site as you, our client, imagine it. We appreciate all the details, so please try to answer the questions very thoughtfully and provide us enough information. Only then we will be able to cooperate effectively and successfully.
Describe the activities of your company and target audience:
Describe the aims and objectives you want to achieve using your website:
Have you ever had a website? If so, why does not it suit you?
How do you imagine a conceptual style of your website?
How do you imagine the website design? Strict, corporateBright, splashyOne-color interspersed with bright elementsMinimalistic with a focus on functionality
Provide a list of websites that can be a model (positive or negative) when creating your website:
Preferred colors of your website:
Do you have a brand book, corporate identity, logo, slogan, domain, hosting?
Should adaptive layout be implemented for correct displaying on mobile devices and tablets? YesNo
Try to define a type of your website. Describe it like this: Business card websiteCorporate siteWeb storeInformation portal
Your version:
Select the menu items which are assumed to be on your website (or add your version): About usServicesPricesMaterialsPhoto/Audio/VideoContact us
What language version of the website should be implemented? RussianEnglishGerman
Other languages:
Additional elements of your website: Online chatFeedbackSocial networksCalculatorCountersWidgets (weather…)Site map
Do you have any experience of using CMS (content management system)? 1С-BitrixJoomla!WordpressDrupalNetCatTYPO3
Enter your estimated budget:
Enter the expected time of website implementation:
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